A large triangular-shaped stone with a height of 6 meters and a width of 5 meters stands firmly on the left side of the entrance in Hamlet Pait, Sebabas Village District Nanga Mahap.Di front of the stone there is a sculpture of symbols that can not be disclosed. Symbol that, like a giant kris stood as many as 8 pieces. In every symbol there is a writing that is difficult to interpret or ditejermahkan even still a Mystery. There are eight sculptures that resemble the shape of god. The fourth sculpture from the left is inverted with the head position facing down. In each sculpture engraved the scriptural writings ever studied from Professors from the Archipelago and Abroad. Even reportedly been investigated from the professor from the Netherlands Windmills, the Netherlands. Written Stone condition is still well maintained and maintained. In some parts of the stone was visible scouring due to natural factors. However, writing and carving on the stone is still intact .. There install...
"Tetap Fokus Pada Titik Itu, Jangan Jadi Korban Keadaan" ~Antonius Niot~