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Jamur Hill is located in Borneo precisely in Bengkayang Regency area. Late 2014 "Bukit Jamur" located in Bengkayang district, West Kalimantan. Crowded visited by climbers, visitors Bukit Jamur increased during the Christmas holidays ago. Local tourists arrive and camp on hills. Jamur Hill is one of those places tourism in West Kalimantan, Bukit Jamur’s height reaches 500 mdpl, on the hill we can get the ocean ocean moment in the morning. 
The trip to the foothills only takes 15-20 minutes. The track passes Jaku Village and can also pass Belangko Village, which is only about 6 km from downtown Bengkayang Regency. A trip to climb the hilltop takes about 2-3 hours, along the way during the climb you will be treated to beautiful scenery around the hill. Climbing at Bukit Jamur passes through 4 posts, from the post we will be treated to beautiful places. Such as rice fields and natural rainforests. Even along the way we see the swift flow of small rivers, the source of springs from the top of the hill. In addition we will also pass the path, with a slope of nearly 85 degrees. Other sights, which we can see along the way are; Pools of illegal gold mining, conducted by local people, commonly known as "dompeng". The trip to the top of the Bukit Jamur, will pass through the jungle with trees that are still very shady, with water sources are still very abundant, and the air is very fresh. No need to fear to run out of water, when want to climb this hill, because we can take and drink water directly, from the source of the water is very clear. Only a little sun penetrates into the forest, because of the shade of a tree.

Two hours of exhausting journey, to reach the top of the Bukit Jamur, will be paid off with a beautiful view visible before your eyes. We can see the whole view of Bengkayang City, which is surrounded by hills and valleys. At the top of this Bukit Jamur, we can also feel the sensation of being above the clouds.
Jamur Hill is actually known by locals with the nickname Gunung Batu, maybe lots of boulders there.. Bukit Jamur actually, not a mushroom. Even in the course of mushrooms was hard to find. It is called mushroom, which in local language means drying. So instead of mushrooms like plants, called mushrooms. Because the ancient local people made this place to dry rice harvest.
Bengkayang Regency is an area surrounded by mountains, hills and valleys, which have stunning natural scenery. Bengkayang Regency also known for its archipelago tourist destination. Some islands seem to have become a duty, to be visited by the enthusiast or traveler. Like Randayan Island, Lemukutan and Penata which offer marine exoticism. For the tourists, who come from outside the island of West Kalimantan who want to feel the beauty of his natural tourism Bengkayang especially Bukit Jamur. The journey to Bengkayang Regency using the land transportation route, can be reached approximately 212.6 km, with travel time of about 4-5 hours, and transportation that can be used, private vehicles such as motorcycles or cars and public transport by bus.

The first trip from Supadio airport to downtown Pontianak takes about 30 minutes. By passing Ahmad Yani II Street, or also can pass through Sungai Raya Street, Adi Sucipto Street. Next trip proceed from Pontianak to Sungai Pinyuh with 55.6 km distance with 1 hour 30 minutes. Then from Sungai Pinyuh to the Anjungan will cover a distance of 15 km, with the condition of a narrow road and go down, travel time approximately 30 minutes. Continue from the Anjungan to Karangan passing toho subdistrict and establish with distance approximately 29 Km, with poor road conditions travel time approximately 1 hour more. Continue from Karangan to Simpang Darit with 30 km distance, with time in take about 1 hour. Then from Simpang Darit to Bengkayang Regency will cover a distance of 19 km with time 45 minutes or more. After arriving in Bengkayang City, can go directly to Jaku Village or Belangko Village, and prepare to climb Bukit Jamur.

Sumber: Eng2017Su


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